How To Run Away And Join The Circus

Members of the Highwire Entertainment crew backstage

Are you a young person considering a creative career? Stuck in a rut and thinking about a big change?

Come along to the Portland Arts Centre at 4;30pm on Thursday 12 December for afternoon tea and a chat with some of the performers and producers from Highwire Entertainment – one of Australia’s most inventive and inclusive physical theatre companies.

Find out about the different pathways they took in their careers, and get honest answers to all your burning questions on the highs and lows of careers in the performing arts.

Free event, but bookings are essential.

60 minutes

Afternoon tea provided

Suits ages 15+


  • Thursday, 12 December 2024 | 04:30 PM - 05:30 PM


Portland Arts Centre, 4a Glenelg St, Portland, 3305, View Map

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